Free Training - Learn How to Trade
Forex Training is Important. Traders should Obtain the Proper Preparation and Expertise before Trading Currencies with Live Funds.
"Learn Forex StepByStep" puts a lot of Emphasis into the Training, Development and Mentoring of our Customers.
Our Free Forex Training was created to Teach our Clients a Step-by-Step Strategy to Day Trade Currencies.
Who Can Benefit from Our Free Training?
When we designed our FX Training Program, we realized that we would not only come across beginners that wanted to learn how to start day trading, but also more experienced traders that already had some stock or futures trading experience. The following list indicates who are some of the people that our training is for:
- Investors who want to Learn Day Trading for the First Time.
- Day Traders with Stock Market or Futures Trading Experience that want to give Forex Trading a try.
- Struggling Traders or Investors who want to learn a Systematic way to trade currencies
What Does the Complete Forex Training Program Consist of?
Our FX Training Sessions are designed to give new and experienced traders alike all the necessary tools to start buying and selling currencies in the foreign exchange market. Some of the topics covered are:
- Information about how the Forex Market works and How Investors and Traders can Benefit from it.
- How to use the Currency Trading Platform, including:
1. Interpreting Forex Quotes and other Financial information.
2. Mastering the Different types of Orders Available to Buy and Sell Currencies.
3. Using different Currency Charts and Technical Studies.
- A Step-by-Step Trading Strategy to Buy and Sell Currencies, which includes 7 chapters: